35 Good Two Black and Gray Homes with Chic Simplicity

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You don’t have to have a Scandinavian style design with too much of light wood, white wall, and a lot of pretty greens and yellows colour scheme to make your house looks sophisticated. Sometimes, when we think of black and grey colours the things that pop up in our mind are damp, cold, and unwelcoming, but if we put them in the hand of the right designers they will turn in to anything but those above things. In the right hand the colour black and grey could turn your house become a sleek, simple as well as stylish space. There for you should try this good two black and gray homes with chic simplicity as your house design.

Commonly, a family will most likely want to have a bright and lively living room with many colours. However, you could make your living room more gentle and calm with soft grey carpeting and distinctive floor lamps that will make your living room perfect for welcoming space and it will also make your living room feels less crowded. Furthermore, if you want to have cozy night at home as well as comfortable space for movie screening you could make your walls with darker colour such as grey or black so is the heavy curtains.

Additionally good two black and gray homes with chic simplicity is perfect for you guys who like something simple yet still look stylish. Furthermore, you could paint your walls with different shades of grey so it will further the interest and dimension to the over all design especially with the darker shade on the walls and lighter shade on the furniture, rug, or carpet.

For the kitchen you could opt for the brightest shade. You could paint your wall white, the kitchen applicants should also in white shade and the counter top better be white too. The darker shade that you could choose is grey. It could be the colour for your kitchen curtains. If you want another colour that could fresh up your kitchen, you could always place a green potted plant on your counter top. All in all, having a good two black and gray homes with chic simplicity is the best way to bring out sophisticated vibes in to your home.

image source : pinterest.com

Virginia Amy